Repair sevices:exhaust system repair, repair of brake system, oil changes, running gear repair, clutch repair, replacing of timing belt, installing additional equipment, engine endoscopy, spare parts and accessories to order, nozzle cleaning, full car sevice, restoration of levers, cooling system repair, auto parts repair
Types of garden equipment:accessories for garden machinery, small tractors, cultivators, waste shredders, blowers, verticutters, lawn mowers, snow clearing machines, trimmers
Petfriendly:animals are prohibited
Payment method:cash, bank transfer
All wheel tire:1000–4200 ₽
Extras tire:tire studding, straightening car rims
Labor time:1000–3000 ₽
Oil change in:passenger cars, motor vehicles, trucks
Tool repair:repair of trimmer, chainsaw repair, brushcutter repair, gas sprayer repair, repair of blowers, repair of motor pumps, repair of motor-drills, lawn mower repair, gasoline generator repair, repair of tillers