I want to warn customers not to believe the sellers of this store, but specifically the stories about the freshness of products. It's a pity the photo does not convey stickiness, as well as the greenish-yellow color and smell of this "freshest chicken breast". Of course, you don't have to do it one time at a time and such "freshness" can bypass you. Be vigilant, because such a negligent attitude of sellers and store employees can pose a direct threat to your health.
A good store. We always visit when we go to visit a friend. I have never let you down yet)))) 😉
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Level 10 Local Expert
February 21, 2022
A large selection of products, good promotions are often held: 2 for the price of 1, 50%, a special offer for discount card holders.
As long as I walk, there are always queues
Previously, there were good promotional products for household chemicals, now there are very few. The rest of the assortment is enough. I would like more space at the ticket offices. In most cases, almost all cash registers work.
The packages of cookies that the store packs itself are missing 20, 50, or even 70g. Cashiers indifferently write off everything for shrinkage and exaggeration))).
And in general, a good store. The assortment is sufficient. The prices are low. Clear.
The parking lot is almost always crowded. I was on the second floor in a warehouse store, I thought it would be something like a wholesale warehouse. It turned out to be some kind of Chinese store, adult clothing sizes for teenagers, suspicious shoes, prices both at similar points in the shopping center and on the market
When a 2 × 1 promotion is held, they simply "bring" into the store, and then "take out",there is very little space for the goods, and even more so for customers,we just go with the flow, but basically the store is not bad, the assortment is diverse in all departments, except for one-products of our own production:the same salads, the same cutlets, the same chops.Diversify the products, interest the buyer, many work late, there is no strength to cook, came, bought, ate, but the same thing gets boring, well, the sellers are smart.
I rarely come here. But every time I go to this supermarket. The eye is pleased with a large selection of goods. The sellers are polite and unobtrusive.
It is cramped and inconvenient to move between the rows. There are not enough staff at the ticket offices, they can be rude. But there are good discounts on some items.
The seller Kutnevich has completely crossed all boundaries! No subordination with clients ("pokes"), is rude, communicates as her mood allows... The horror!!!! I've been visiting this store since it opened, lately 50% of the staff have been rude, but today.... My husband arrived with my card-she did not calculate, asked to leave the package for 10 minutes, returned after 8 with her own, she just turned away and said she would not count because she disassembled the package (although it was standing next to her) saying at the same time: "I do not know when YOU will return?!Go collect it again!"
A convincing request to the higher management, send the staff for training on communication with customers or, at least, show the memo that is on each checkout: "Hello... Thank you... You are welcome... " Not everyone needs this, but Kutnevich was not taught this by his parents, but a person is in society and in the workplace...
A good supermarket, there are often discounts. But they don't always keep track of the price tags. In the summer of 2019, I took ice cream, so there was no price for one of the types in the cash register system - they broke through the price of another ice cream... In addition to the grocery store, there are also a bunch of small shops for different occasions and even a visa application center for European countries is available.
This one is already much better than the usual cramped little intersection. Not as widely as in the mainland, for example. But it's passable.
See original
Anonymous review
July 5, 2021
It used to be better, there were sellers and there was no such crush in queues. And now there are 2-3 sellers during rush hour. And the store itself has not become very good.
A good choice.
The bonus system. Discount cards. It's clean enough.
Price tags near the product.
Long queues at the checkout are annoying. Rudeness of the staff is rare and atypical for the "Crossroads".
Some products leave much to be desired, but you can buy almost everything in one place
See original
Сергей С.
Level 7 Local Expert
December 15, 2021
I do not advise it, there is a terrible smell of sewage in the store where products are sold, including those packaged manually by store employees. All this is deposited on the products, creepy, fuuu....
It's a good store, but sometimes they don't sell it. That's what they promised for the promotion, and that's what they sold. The rice is raw, undercooked, hard, money is wasted.