One of the 16 monuments dedicated to the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, erected in Russia by order of Emperor Nicholas I. The opening was attended by the Tsarevich, the future Alexander the Second Liberator. Unfortunately, the monument was not preserved, in the 30s of the 20th century it was put into metal for the first five-year plans. This is a new model from 2010, but it's beautiful.
A magnificent historical all-metal monument!
Being in Polotsk, it is impossible not to visit it!
The entrance is quite normal, there is a parking lot nearby.
The memorial to the heroes of the war of 1812 is located on Freedom Square, consists of a memorial wall, a stele, and several models of cannons. I recommend a visit.
The monument was restored in 2010. It was originally installed in the middle of the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were melted down into cast iron for some needs. I saw the same panyatnik the next day in Smolensk.
This was told in detail in the Museum of local lore, which is located on Nizhne-Pokrovskaya Street, not far from the monument.
In the very center of the city stands a stylized chapel, recreated in detail the first monument erected during the Russian Empire. The new one was created for the budget of the Union State
The monument is very beautiful, especially when the rays of the sun fall on it. A holy place, illuminated. Many believers cross themselves as they pass by. I advise everyone to visit here.
Even while studying at school in the 80s, we heard that there was a fundraiser going on to recreate this monument. Polotsk is worthy of this monument. We must remember those heroic events.