Тут работают худшие персоналы на свете, еда холодная, попросишь нагреть они будут обвинять тебя в том, что ТЫ ДОЛГО ЗАБИРАЛ ЕДУ, да, картошка фри в комнате охладилась до 0 градусов в комнате, по словам персонала и они любят ругаться
The worst staff in the world work here, the food is cold, if you ask them to heat it, they will accuse you of TAKING AWAY FOOD for a LONG TIME, yes, the French fries in the room have cooled to 0 degrees in the room, according to the staff and they like to swear
They cook very tasty pizza here and they cook it fast. The staff is very polite and friendly. The service is excellent. There is a fast delivery. Club sandwich and trendwits -mmmmm....This is a warning👍👍👍
There are many questions about the freshness or preservation of freshness of products. Meat, fries, nuggets, club are all not fresh, I stopped buying anything on this network and I do not recommend it to anyone