Types of cosmetology:aesthetic cosmetology, medical cosmetology, machine cosmetology, laser cosmetology
Medical specialists:beautician, dermatologist
Types of massage:lifting massage, head massage, manual massage, spanish hiromassage, relax-massage, facial massage, lymphatic drainage massage, neck massage, pressotherapy
General info
Credit card payment
Gift certificate
Payment method:cash, payment by card, installment, making a loan, cashless payment, Fast payment system, QR code, payment by credit card, bank transfer, online, prepayment
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, bonuses, gifts
Special features
Cosmetology for men
Parking for people with disabilities
Wheelchair accessibility:unavailable
Wheelchair accessible:Partially available
Petfriendly:animals are prohibited
Types of body piercing:nose, tongue, face, chest, ears, navel