Payment method:discount system, prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, via sms, cash on delivery, installment, cashless payment, online
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, bonuses, gifts
Type of furniture:custom made for the kitchen, custom made for the living room, handmade furniture, garden and cottage furniture, tables, wardrobes
I also want to share my experience of communicating with this company "Home Line".
Well, I'll start my story.
Our acquaintance with this company began on 1.08.22, when my wife and I decided to order a kitchen in our apartment, sign a contract, made a 100% payment, the manager at the office issued free delivery and a gift, in the form of a dish dryer, the production time was within 25 days. Everything was fine with us. When the time came, no one called us, did not tell us the date of delivery of the kitchen, so we decided to go to the office and find out the necessary information. And then the most interesting thing began: the office was closed, the phones were turned off. We started looking for at least someone's number from this company. Somehow we found the phone number of Director Alexei. It was not possible to contact him immediately, but still the conversation took place: when will our kitchen be? He began to feed us with promises that the kitchen would be ready soon. Two weeks have passed, and the kitchen is still missing. I decided to come to the production site, where I met with the director. He explained that they were having problems now and asked them to wait. To the offer to refund the money and terminate the contract, the answer was "it's easier for us to make a kitchen than to return the money." Two weeks later, the kitchen was finally brought. Because I decided to assemble myself, I started assembling. There are no assembly instructions, so I started assembling as the assembler who works there said. Subsequently, many details were missing, which had to be knocked out in this company. The countertop had to wait another three weeks. For such a long production time, the director promised to cut holes in the countertop for a sink and a hob for free. But even that was not the case, all the promises are only in words. I had to do everything myself. And that's not all: when everything was assembled and installed, there was no skirting board, which also had to wait another two weeks, because our skirting board was sent to a completely different order. It's now 10/24/22 we finally got our skirting board. As it turned out, not all of it. I hope my sad experience will help someone.
My advice: if you want to save your nerves and money, then I do not advise you to order something from them. Averse attitude towards customers, not fulfilling their obligations.
I would like to share my feedback on the "wonderful" company "HomeLine" LLC
Our whole story with them began on February 17, 2022, from the moment of our first visit to the office. We came to the office, chose all the necessary colors of facades and countertops. Everything seemed to be fine and did not portend trouble. The only thing that was a little confusing was that the manager, Anna, seemed to be out of touch with the topic of kitchens, could not give practical advice in drawing.
When everyone was chosen, we agreed that we would arrive tomorrow to conclude the contract and make an advance payment.
02/18/2022 arrived at the office, the kitchen was ready on 03/12/2022, asked to be changed to 03/16/2022, since the repairmen managed to finish the apartment by that moment, and according to the contract, for each extra day of storage, a fine of 1% of the storage cost. Anna said that there would be no problems and the kitchen would be ready at all on 03/10/2022, they would just wait until it was convenient for us to ship. The contract was concluded, I deposited 100% of the amount under the contract 2250 byn. And then the first bell rang, they said that they could not give a check, because the cash register was broken, I said that I would not leave the money then, and then they immediately found a solution, they wrote me a receipt from their LLC that the money was accepted.
03/10/2022 it turned out that we needed to change the size of the upper drawers a little, since they did not stand on the apron, we called the manager to clarify if it was possible, she said, yes, no problem, since the kitchen had not yet begun to be made, this was the second bell. By the way, any change in the contract increases the deadline for execution by 3 days.
03/16/2022 we called to clarify if the kitchen was ready, they said it would be by the end of the week. At the end of the week, our manager was not in place and we were told that the kitchen would be ready by the beginning of the next 03/21/2022. From that moment on, there were constant postponements, such as next week at the beginning, then at the end and again at the beginning. No one has ever given a specific date.
It was decided on 04/06/2022, after constant postponements, to send a claim in which to demand 1% of the amount of the compensation agreement for each day of delay (according to the law! The contract specifies the amount of 0.01%) + moral compensation.
After receiving the claim, the company stubbornly did not respond to it, but at least the head began to get in touch. After discussing possible options with him, the best we could achieve peacefully was the installation of a kitchen for free + compensation under a contract of 100 byn. The agreement was reached sometime on 05/15/2022, and the kitchen was supposed to be practically delivered with rhinestones, BUT this did not happen.
There were 2 more postponements for the week and the kitchen, delayed for a total of 43 days, was brought only on 04/29/2022.
The installer came on 05/04/2022. A very adequate man, which was very surprising, having already had a long experience of communicating with the company. It turned out that he was working with the home line for the first time, and after I told him, it was probably the last time. He failed to install the kitchen in one day, as the deliverers did not bring the entire kitchen set, as well as some boxes were of the wrong height, they did not change it after discussing with us and the production was wrong. He finished the installation on 05/06/2022. According to him, he has been working with kitchens for more than one year, and the red production period for ours is 14 days, although the contract set aside a whole month, and they did it in more than two.
The story didn't end there. No documents were signed by me, either during delivery or during installation. Since the receipt has not been issued yet, an additional agreement has not been brought, which prescribes compensation, and compensation has not been issued. The company was able to provide all this only on 05/23/2022
I don't believe in all the positive reviews! As it turned out, the employees themselves write them here. I had experience with some clients, and their stories were about the same as mine.
HomeLine Kitchen Factory
Before starting a relationship with this company, I studied the market - I chose between CALL and HomeLine. I chose the latter - which I regretted very much!!! We ordered the kitchen for 100% prepayment, the delivery time is 10 working days. We had a tight schedule and we asked many times about deadlines - we were assured that everything would be on time.
By agreement :
- they charge 12% for the assembly (above the market), but we have moved them up to 10%
- they draw the kitchen according to your size. If you gave the wrong dimensions and signed in the sketch, it's your fault, you gave the dimensions. Their measurer was called separately (for a fee) Here, at least, if they do not do it correctly in size, the responsibility lies with the company. (It was the best investment for the entire period - the measurer was adequate and drew an adequate project). This service is usually included in the price
- your responsibility for termination is 400 rubles. Responsibility for late delivery of 0.01% of the amount from 5000 you will have 50 kopecks per day.
According to the manager :
- we got a manager , 21 years old, I don't know anything, I don't see anything - I can't count, in general, a Dori fish. The manager redrawn the project 6 times. Even after the engineer took the measurements, she sent the project to production with an error. The handles that she assured us could be installed, we couldn't install them
- imposed an additional payment for each hanging of facades on the built-in equipment. We insisted that we be included in the price.
On time and delivery :
The first part of the kitchen (not all) was brought in 38 days (10 declared) without warning, the rest of the kitchen and the countertop were delivered only after 52 days (2 months). They feed us breakfast every day, sometimes they don't pick up the phone. They lie that they will bring it to you tomorrow - you take time off from work, but they don't bring it and so many times. We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw her - we were already going to draft a pre-trial letter of claim. And you won't believe it, even after installation, we didn't have enough parts...and we were waiting for them to be delivered to us...
for assembly:
- The collector came to us twice, because of the way the kitchen was being transported. The collector did it slowly, for two days he assembled the kitchen. The biggest disadvantage is that he does not ask at all how to install it, where to cut the hole - he does everything as he thinks it is better and easier. I had to always check what he was doing so that there would be an opportunity to intervene. Anyway, we redid some things with him (we helped with the assembly ourselves) and after him.
- For payment, we agreed with the head of HomeLine on a 50% discount on installation for late delivery. The most unpleasant thing is that the installer was not aware., but when he called, they promised him the second half that the office would pay. I.e., another person was thrown with our hands (I will explain below why they were thrown)
According to the defects of the kitchen:
- the handle came with a small chip
- the edge on the sidewall is 2 mm smaller than the tabletop
itself - the hidden drawer turns out not to provide a handle with a leash
- they did not make a shelf to which the facade mechanism is attached (they invented a shelf on the spot from the remnants to fix it)
- a lot of unnecessary technical holes
- there was nowhere to attach one lifting mechanism, the second collector said that I would not install it and it holds... (so we have spare parts, one husband will attach himself)
Subsequent discoveries:
This office used to be called Beldarmebel - read the reviews - you will understand that this is a standard scheme. They throw buyers, they throw suppliers (judging by the statement of court proceedings), they throw workers, they throw installers. I do not advise you not to enter into a relationship with them in any way.
If you do not want to waste your nerves on daily calls, if you do not want to eat breakfast every day, live without a kitchen and sink for 2 months like us - DO NOT CONTACT this office. ***.