The Arch-Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the main Catholic church in the capital of Belarus. It was built as a church attached to a Jesuit monastery in 1710. Its architectural style belongs to the Vilna Baroque. After the abolition of the Jesuit Order in 1773, the church became the cathedral of the Minsk diocese. After a severe fire in 1797, the temple was restored in a more luxurious form. It was a parish church until 1917... It is possible to get there both by public transport and by private car...
A very beautiful cathedral in the center of Minsk, with picturesque architecture and rich history. Every time I got a spiritual and aesthetic pleasure from visiting the cathedral.
Beauty, cleanliness.. It is a pleasure to visit the cathedral and enjoy the splendor and beauty of ancient architecture and the king of all musical instruments - the organ..
A very interesting functioning Catholic church, everything inside is simple on one side and majestic on the other.Interesting sculptures from the life of Christ, made of wood and installed in the niches of the cathedral. And the very appearance of Christ is not usual for an Orthodox person.
A quiet, spiritual place, in which the paintings of the XVIII century are partially preserved. The interior is very bright and spacious. The rector of the cathedral is a smiling and polite man
The main Catholic cathedral of Belarus was built at the beginning of the XVIII century. In the 90s of the XX century, it was restored, and now it harmoniously adjoins the houses of the Stalin era.
This year I was lucky enough to get inside. The interiors are impressive, and the sound of the organ only enhanced the effect.
The cathedral was renovated and reconstructed in 2000. The Ancient Church of the Catholics of the Republic of Belarus. It was previously the tallest building in Minsk.Inside is a crowned icon of the Virgin Mary (personally crowned by Pope John Paul ll 29.09.2004) - in Christianity, the Most Holy Theotokos.
A beautiful place, everything is painted inside, from the point of view of art and architecture, it's fine here, if you are a believer, then I think everything is fine too, it's worth visiting such a place for universal development at least
A beautiful Catholic cathedral in Minsk near the Nemiga metro station. Rich painting, very beautiful sonorous organ. Probably one of the most significant cathedrals of this denomination. But where Jesus drove out the merchants, there are also ministers of worship. To the left of the entrance is a small staircase down and a WC sign that ends in a dark hole and the door is invisible. The attendant in the booth from the entrance (on the right) asked is this what I think? And in response, I received a literal answer: "did you come here to relieve yourself?' Surprisingly. The temple is a wonderful monument of architecture
A peaceful and welcoming atmosphere inside. Everyone is always welcome here. But please do not take pictures on camera during the service. It's better to sit and listen to the organ, think about your family and friends. In the church shop you can buy a souvenir of an angel or a statue of the Virgin Mary, and not only.
This place is amazing thanks to Alexey, who gave me and my wife an hour-long tour on 13.09 and showed everything. I hope Alexey will see this message one day and find out that we will remember him warmly.
It's a beautiful place. Quiet, calm. The attendants are very friendly. Crosses were purchased in GUM and consecrated in the church by Father Vladislav.
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Ирина Г.
Level 21 Local Expert
May 17
The Arch-Cathedral of the Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Baroque Catholic cathedral, the main Catholic church in Belarus, built back in 1700-1710, also known as the "Jesuit Church". Over the years, it has undergone many reconstructions and reconstructions, and the fate of the temple itself is interesting...In Soviet times, in1951, the temple was closed, its two towers were demolished, and the central facade was significantly rebuilt, the building housed the "House of Physical Education" until the early 1990s and only in the 1990s and 2000s its original appearance was completely restored....
In the interior, frescoes that were plastered in Soviet times, now they are being opened and restored ...
Inside the temple is very beautiful, the temple is functioning, services are held, the organ is playing. A very atmospheric temple in the heart of the old town!
Красивый католический храм, построен в 1700-1710 гг. (достраивался до 1747 года) как церковь при иезуитском монастыре, в связи с чем также известен как «костёл иезуитов».Иезуитам принадлежал до 1773 года, когда папским указом орден был запрещен по всей Европе.
В 19 веке службы проводились здесь до 1934 года, пока не арестовали последнего ксендза.Здание стали использовать как гараж и станцию техобслуживания автомобилей.Здание костела подверглось серьезной реконструкции. Были разрушены обе башни, к оригинальному барочному фасаду пристроили новый в стиле ампир, внутри здание разделили на три этажа железобетонными перекрытиями и отдали спортивному обществу "Спартак". В 1993 году костёл стали реконструировать, 21 октября 1997 года собор освящен во имя Пресвятой Девы Марии.Епископатом Австрии собору подарен новый орган, который считается одним из лучших в Восточной Европе. Во время служб звучит орган, начало службы в 18.30. Для того, чтобы послушать орган лучше посетить службу в выходные дни. Внутри очень красиво и необычно. Обязательно посетите его, если будете в Минске, является одной из достопримечательностей города.
An epic place in the very center of Minsk. I highly recommend that you look at the days of organ music concerts on the temple's website. One drawback is that it is not heated inside, and for men, even in severe frost in winter, the entrance without a headdress can be cold. But the atmosphere is incredible - I recommend going in anyway.
A beautiful Catholic church. I was there during the Christmas period and I was caught singing Christmas carols. Everything is very beautiful. Both outside and inside. The building really conveys the spirit.
I despise commerce in holy places ( the sale of candles , etc. ) everything should be on a charitable basis , there should be no prices for holy attributes .
A beautiful Catholic cathedral in the very center of Minsk. It fits in very interestingly between the neighboring buildings )
Beautiful interior in bright colors.
A beautiful place in the capital, however, we were all surprised how many video cameras are inside, there is no concentration, which distracts because this is a temple, not a showground
A wonderful place to stay in silence and pray. It is also a place with a rich and interesting history. It is located in the city center. I recommend you to visit!
As a tourist in architecture - excellent!!!! Prayer accompanied by an organ is amazing!!! Active participation of parishioners in prayer!!!! All this is for five stars!!!!! I was upset by the sermon after all the prayers, it emphasized the comparison with Europe. A temple is a place for the soul, not for worldly fuss.
They accept clothes. At the kiosk you can buy good books at the junction of philosophy, scientific analysis and Christian faith. Books can also be viewed in more detail on the shelves and leafed through
Right next door to our location was the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the morning, starting at 7 o'clock, the bells rang. It is very interesting that the entrance to the cathedral fit in between two residential buildings, and the main part was located inside the courtyard.
Необычный собор в розовых оттенках. Убранство привлекает внимание туристов и поглощает посетителей в Европейскую атмосферу. Удобная Локация позволяет найти этот собор без труда. А вы когда-нибудь видели розовый собор. Правда атмосферно?
A beautiful square, streets around, a retro bus that is ready for excursions. The cathedral itself accepted the belt of the Virgin that day and there were quite a large number of people)
Я хоть и не верующий, но с удовольствием, всегда посещаю храмы различных конфессий. В этом соборе всё пропитан Верой и строгостью одновременно. Было очень интересно и позновательно. (за одно объяснил ребёнку, чем отличается одна вера от другой)
Прекрасный старый католический собор, вход свободный, можно спокойно зайти и все посмотреть, посидеть в тишине и прохладе, полюбоваться убранством собора.
The most beautiful building. The interior is beautifully finished. We went in on a weekday and accidentally got to play the organ. I definitely recommend you to visit.
If you make a wish for yourself at the left column at the entrance to the hall (this is important), then the probability that it will come true will increase. It's going to increase a lot. It's not related to a place or geomancy, it just happened that way, or someone once knew where to build. I'm glad I got here. All the best!
I liked the church for its interior decoration. Gentle tones. But the feeling is incomprehensible, perhaps because it was unusual for me to enter the church at all.
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Dana Cat
Level 26 Local Expert
August 15
There is a small but very beautiful cathedral between the houses. free entrance inside. you can attend the service and listen to the organ. I liked it very much.
Хорошее место, была на крещении в катедре, впечатляют статуи и картины на потолке, вцелом интересно построена работа с прихожанами. Раньше не была, увидела трещину на потолке, сдала денег на ремонт. Молодые и креативные служители и много детей было. Очень все прилично и красиво, разряженная атмосфера. Может ещё зайду.
Это самое интересное место Минска.кроме того что это одно из старейших духовных мест. как расположение так и внутреннее наполнение так и проведение служб.если ты атеист его все равно стоит посетить.
Кафедральный собор Пресвятой девы Марии. Возведен в 1700-1710 годы, изначально был церковью иезуитов. Орган потрясающий. Поклонный Крест нестандартный. Роспись в спокойных тонах. Тихо, люди молятся.
Милое место очень. Красиво и со Смыслом. Проповеди священников Диво. Я хоть Греческой конфессии Православной, но люблю Латинскую и Англиканскую Церкви.
It's a beautiful place. They are not Catholics themselves, but they went to the service to hear the organ. Unfortunately, we didn't hear it after sitting for almost two hours. But it's still worth a visit, it's very unusual inside.