3 times different sellers confirmed the order and 3 times offered the product from the showcase. Before that, they promised that the goods would be delivered within 3 days.
A spacious hall , sellers are trying to put everything and everything in , they often do not understand what they are saying about household appliances , especially about televisions
A large selection, minus- they stood in line for a long time
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Show business's response
Level 5 Local Expert
November 22, 2019
I bought an outdoor antenna for TV, for the country, it did not fit. They took it back without any problems, the money was returned. I bought a TV in May 2019 using a shopping card, for the sake of a joke, I told the sales consultant that this TV was cheaper in the online store, he muttered something displeased, but everything is fine, I bought the TV from them, it works fine.
Interesting... Does our equipment meet international standards?. They say that microwaves have been banned in Japan. Using it can lead to a prison term..