Дизайнерский коешелк ручной работы из итальянкой кожи от бренда Панаскин
240 Br
Брюки из хлопкового вельвета
Брюки из хлопкового вельвета с прямыми широкими штанинами. Боковые карманы и прорезные ложные карманы сзади. Застежка на молнию, а также потайной крючок.
239 Br
Сумка Панаскин
Сумка женская из итальянкой кожи с тиснением. Ручна работа. Авторский дизайн
A good women's clothing and accessories store from Belarusian designers. You can find everything from a tracksuit to a dress. From fashion designers - I really liked the GARSONNIER brand (fashionable in European, beautiful colors, very good quality) ♥️ From jewelry - BARBARELLA - very original and beautiful earrings ♥️ From bags - AIPLATOV - a cool collection of quilted bags and backpacks ♥️
Good fitting rooms with large mirrors, prices on the level of Zara and Massimo Dutti, and the quality is much higher, especially the listed brands.
I recommend it boldly, if you want to find something cool for yourself or bring a gift from Belarus - a great option✔️
High quality of service.A wide selection of designer clothes from the country's leading designers.Convenient location of the store. Stylish interior design. All items are of high quality.
We bought a sequined dress for my wife, the consultant promised that they would stop falling after washing. A year has passed - money is wasted, it is impossible to wear, all the furniture and floor are covered in sequins.