Marvelous marketplace, wide assorti of products, cosmetic, cleansings, Everything for your cooking room and bathroom 😁
Praise is a little bit expensive compering to other marketplace, but their quality is good
And fruits 🍓🍓🍓
Chaq_chuqs😁 (pistachios, almonds, raisins kinda things)
Come and enjoy 😜
I liked this place, especially fruits and vegetables store, and bread store as well, there nice smell 😁
And I tasted pomegranate juice, it was a combination of sweetness and sourness 🌚...
And I'm sure you can find more thing you search
Also people there are very nice ❤️
And I'm not gonna talk about prices, because I usually don't compare prices. But I guess there is not big difference of price between here and other shopping places.
Well, just come, explore, enjoy 😜
Have a good day ❤️
Such a lovely place! Nature gives you piece and relaxing. And there are nice cafe as well. I really like to spend my time there. It is great please to spend your time with your friends or with a family
Menga juda yoqadi; atmosfera, dizayn, kitoblar, xodimlarning xushmuomalaligi, komfort. Bunday ajoyib joy tashkil etilganidan juda xursandman. Menga u yerga borish doim yaxshi kayfiyat bag'ishlaydi va menga uzoq bo'lsa ham boraveraman! Barcha xodimlarga va tashkilotchilarga bunday ajoyib joy uchun tashakkur🙏🙏🙏
I really liked its atmosphere and behavior of people who are working there make me really happy 😊. I absolutely gonna go there again! And I will wait new variety of meals. Thanks all you for creating this amazing place for us😊