The customer service is subpar, and there is a clear lack of information regarding their delivery areas. After a lengthy conversation, it became evident that they do not deliver to the far end of the city, which is extremely frustrating for customers. It’s a significant waste of time for those who rely on their service, especially since they do not even offer an option to pay an extra fee for deliveries outside the main center. This needs to be addressed.
Disappointing Experience
I made a reservation in advance, but upon arrival, we were placed in an underground area that was unorganized and lacked the usual cooking setup. This was a major letdown, especially since there were clearly available spaces in better areas. It felt like there was no consideration for customer satisfaction. I expected better planning and service.
Разочаровывающий опыт
Я забронировал место заранее, но по прибытии нас разместили в подземном помещении, которое было неорганизованным и не оснащено привычным оборудованием для приготовления пищи. Это было большое разочарование, особенно учитывая, что в более удобных местах явно были свободные места. Казалось, что о удовлетворении клиентов никто не заботится. Я ожидал лучшей организации и сервиса.