Прекрасные апартаменты, были 3-е суток, все прекрасно, все устроило, чисто, убрано, оперативный арендодатель, хорошее расположение дома. Окна выходят на реку Дон, было тихо, никто не мешал. Если будем еще раз в этом прекрасном месте, обратимся повторно) Советую.
I recently had the pleasure of staying in these wonderful apartments for three days, and I can wholeheartedly recommend them. The accommodations were immaculate and well-maintained, providing a comfortable and inviting atmosphere throughout my stay.
The landlord was highly responsive and accommodating, ensuring that all my needs were met promptly. The location of the apartment is excellent, with stunning views of the Don River. It was wonderfully quiet, allowing for a peaceful retreat without any disturbances.
Should I find myself in this beautiful area again, I would not hesitate to reach out for another stay. Highly recommended