Была на спектакле 'Трое на плоту не считая носорогов'. Не была уверена в выборе, так как представление неоднозначное и сложное. Но знала наверняка, что актеры, декорации, атмосфера не разочаруют. Спектакль превзошел ожидания. Я в восторге. 2 часа 45 минут пролетели незаметно. Есть над чем посмеяться, призадуматься, погрустить. Ушла с чувством восхищения от Легенды, как всегда
Вчера 04.10.2024 поела булочку с тунцом , томатами и запеченную сыром, и всю ночь не могла оторваться от унитаза. Днем на следующий день пришлось все дела отменить так как состояние никакое, не могу встать с кровати. Не рекомендую это место. Еще никогда не было такого сильного отравления
I fell in love with the hotel from the first sight: the vibe, nature, smell, wildlife, hospitality.. everything! Our room 121 is not in the main building and I guess it's even better as there's silence. We have everything for the comfortable stay: 2 fans on the ceiling, an a/c in the corner which is great as you may not get a cold, a huge bathroom with all the necessary stuff, a tea set and a bottle of water which are refilled daily. People are hard-working, friendly, happy. They are ready to welcome you with pleasure. The chief manager at the restaurant (a handsome, hospitable man) gives the guests some extras, Lucky man brings coconuts for free (Thank you, my friend 🙏) etc. Breakfasts are awesome !!!! I still can't try all the dishes as I am quickly full. Don't hesitate, Tambapanni is a good value for money. Our friends stayed at Seaview Beach hotel that is closer to the beach and the price is nearly the same, but...the difference is enormous.
I am ready to give 10 out of 10, but unfortunately I have to minus 1point for the drawback named Inesh or smth like this. He is the only one who behaves as a peacock. He works at the restaurant and probably one of the managers, big size,drives a motor bike and wears a blue uniform. He is the most unpleasant spot at the place of Paradise as he is friendly only to the people who pays extra (for dinner,some smacks for example). All the other guests don't exist for Peacock he even doesn't say Hello to them.
That's why Tambapanni gets 9 out of 10 from me. Hopefully, next time you will be able to get rid of him
With all my love, Natalie