Unfortunately our stay in this hotel was unpleasant.
The level of cleanliness, the sanitary norms, food, and the attitude of the staff are not appropriate at all for the price segment of this hotel.
The most shocking part was that we found the pieces of excrements on the shower watering can. It's an absolute nonsense for five-star hotel, it's impossible to encounter such cases in 3-star hotels. It's completely against all sanitary norms. Yet the administrators didn't even apologize for this incident. They didn't offer any compensation, gift, or verbal apology, they only changed watering can – that's all.
Moving on, I would definitely say a lot about the canteen. The food choice for breakfast barely changes from day to day – this is not what one may expect from the hotel which is claiming that it's five-stars. A great portion of food during breakfasts is inedible. Some food looks terrible, especially cold cuts – it seems that it lies in the buffet for weeks untouched. If the administration is reading this review I will give you a hint: In a five-star hotel guests should be pleased with the appearance of dishes and the variety of food options.
Another fact about the canteen is that no staff member cares about the stray cats(these are not the pets, they live on the streets, they don't live in the hotel) which can freely walk among tables, sit on the seats, piss in the corners(there was no reaction from the staff after we mentioned it). Catering and animals must never be combined because the latter leads to the spread of bacteria and diseases. But again – no one cares, even the other guests seem not to understand the hazard from stray animals which are allowed to enter the canteen.
Cooks and waiters wear dirty clothes and wipe their hands on clothes, it's as well against sanitary norms and it just looks unpleasant.
Apart from that, it seems that no staff members knows about the importance of manners and politeness. Guests expect to be welcomed, they expect to see good attitude towards them. However, in this place staff rarely greets you, they barely know how to smile. But why would they do that if they even don't care about shit in the shower...
При заезде обнаружилось, что матрас на диване раскладушке не пригоден для сна. Администрация устранила проблему быстро, но осадок от этого инцидента остался.
На спинке кровати нашли дырки, также на шторах было крайне большое количество разводов и пятен.
Несмотря на то, что парковка была оплачена и номер машины был внесён в базу, мою машину с парковки не могли выпустить около пяти минут.
Чистота как всегда оставляет желать лучшего :(
Из-за плохого качества уборки атмосфера уюта испорчена.
Отличное представление тайный язык цветов. Уютная атмосфера, приветливый персонал. Качественная продукция. Если буду ещё в Коломне, обязательно посещу это место.
В огромном отеле не нашлось номера, надо было заранее бронировать. Никогда не поверю, на вид он полупустой, тем более сейчас, когда иностранцев почти нет.