Отравился. Брал шаверму с телятиной, но через полчаса пришлось встать на аварийку, чтоб эта самая шаверма из меня вышла наружу.
Спустя 2 часа всё ещё крутит живот очень сильно. Не рекомендую.
Classy and picturesque. Could work as a place for your date or a family hangout. I would work on music though: even if the place does give out the coworker-office vibe, it’s still a diner, not a coffeeshop.
Atmosphere: 8/10 due to music & emptiness.
Food: 9.5/10 food feels real. Even the salsa verde that I ordered expecting it to be artificial felt very real. No alcohol, which is okay but turns off the weekend possibilities.
Staff: 10/10 Pretty people with personalities. I love to see actual non-machines working at a diner. The owner pops in and out occasionally, asking about the quality of the food which reminds me of La Chelletta Café, which I consider to be the best restaurant in Saint P. in terms of fine dining.
Pricing: 10/10 at first I was skeptical about a medium-high pricing of the food and a 1.5€ small americano but all of my skepticism vanished when I tried the food. It feels fresh and when accompanied with a freshly roasted coffee, gets engraved in your buds.
Overall: 9/10
Great place that has potential.