Ассортимент хороший, магазин небольшой, но персонала для помощи достаточно. Главное: в етом Перекрестке соблюдают Правила торговли на территории РФ и отрезают свежую рыбу столько, сколько нужно покупателю, и ещё спра шивают, какой кусочек предпочитает покупатель. Сотрудники вежливые, помнят ассортимент наизусть. Спасибо.
A small bank, a "family" bank at the level of the management: the attitude is welcoming and professional, helpful and caring but at the operational level one bumps into a lack of service and a customer-oriented approach.
Sorry but I like the brand in principle: not many people realise that they deliver products directly from France and it's the French quality. My mother used it for more than 20 years and so have I. The shop is always clean, the smell is nice, the shop assistants are friendly and professional. Definitely recommended.
The location is excellent, the interior is lovely, the atmosphere is welcoming, the personnel are friendly and helpful but the food... Unfortunately, it's below expectations: pork is dry and a cutlet is chewy.
Excellent: very tasty (I tried their breakfast), fresh pastries , good coffee, reasonable prices, polite and friendly people, quick service. Definitely recommended.
Fantastic: very tasty, reasonable prices, good service. Every dish is a piece of art. The only drawback for me is the size of portions: too big.:))) Thank you very much and definitely recommended.
Impressive, contemporary, big, it's like an exhibition. Not a lot of shops and cafes at the arrivals hall but as for travelling I would say the next after Sheremetyevo.