Hozirgi nomi "Qassoblik" masjidi. 2 qavatli +podvali ham bor, qishda issiq yozda salqin, tahoratxonasi qulay va toza. Bor yo'g'i 3 marta bordim, hozircha kamchilik ko'rmadim
It's a small but more beautiful and peaceful masjeed than others in Bukhara city which I know. Besides that it has recently been reconstructed, so you'll barely find any drawbacks.
in an architectural monument with a rich history, it is worth visiting. But because it is located inside the old city, the roads were inconvenient, but now it is being renovated, I think the tourists will like it.
Dorixonani eng yaxshi tomoni bohqa joylarda topilmaydigan dorilarni ham shu yerdan topsa bo'ladi va narxlari o'rtacha, lekin shu sababli navbat juda katta. Kunni qaysi paytida borsayiz ham kamida 15minut kutasiz. Tashqarisida 4-5ta avtomobil sig'adigan parkovka, ichkarisida divan kreslo bor
the atmosphere is good, the prices are moderate, the products are fresh. There are more food products, but there are also kitchenware, cleaning products, clothes. Cashiers are quick and polite