We enjoyed our day there very much. Kids ran around crazily from animal to animal. Cool to see many of these great beasts from a close distance. 🦓🦬🐅🦧🐒🤗👍
Interesting museum. Loads of information about spacecrafts and astronauts. Me and my boy had a good time there. We learned much about Russian history in outer space. 👍🏼💪🏼
Too bad its a little bit of walk from the metro and most places are shut down, probably because of the season. Still a nice place to visit for a day and buy some matruschka or fur hat. Hope to see it again some day in full glory. 💪🏼
Awesome park, with many playgrounds for kids. Looking forward to go back there. Still much to see and discover. Amazing too see how many lovely parks Moscow has.