Один из лучших мясных магазинов, которые я когда-либо видел в Санкт-Петербурге. я купил потрясающую утку и очень свежие говяжьи ребрышки. Владелец - мясник, и он разрезал мне ребрышки спереди. я не могу сказать достаточ но хороших слов об этом месте!
Modern airport with free wifi and a Yandex taxi ordering desk.Great for getting a good price for a taxi into the city. Not sure if one can speak English there, as I've not tried to, except when passport control speaks it with me. If you fly there from Yerevan, you can skip customs. Just make sure you save your ticket stub from your boarding pass so you can show it when required.
Make sure you don't make any mistake on your form or you will have to start over. Make sure you set an appointment before hand. That don't do on the spot appointments. I spent nearly two hours there trying to get my American visa registered. That said, they do try to help.
Amazing site. The area is enormous with lots of ruins. The museum is closed on Mondays, which was when I visited the site. But the security guard was very helpful and vet friendly. I must have spent nearly 3 hours there exploring all of the different ruins on the site.
It's rather off the beaten track, so it's a definite must see. Do make sure your Russian is decent. English is not widely spoken outside of the more touristy places near the center of Yerevan.
I discovered this group back in 2018 and liked them so much I booked with them again this year upon my return to Armenia ( for 4th time since 2012). This time, on January 17th, 2025 I did one of their group tours to Khor Virap, Noravank monastery, Jermuk mineral springs and the Areni winery. This tour agency is just the best around. And many many thanks to our guide, Hasmik Karapetyan, who was extremely helpful in many ways. She's just the best! And a big thanks to our driver, Garik, who made the ride very smooth and calm.
And today (January 19th, 2025) I did a tour with them to Saghmosavank and from there, on to the Myler winter resort. Different guides on this tour, but all in all an excellent experience! I highly recommend this tour group.
A fantastic place. It's nice to see some restoration. It's a pity that more hasn't been done. But one can see in the small museum much about the history and the artefacts found there.