9 dan majlis o’tkazish aholi bilan to’g’ridan to’g’ri ishlaydigan xodimlar bilan noto’g’ri deb o’ylayman. Jismoniy shaxslar murojati bilan faqatgina 1 kishi ishlar ekan, shunga odam to’la.
Place looked great from the first sight.
However, here are some red-flags:
1. We booked for our guests through booking several days before their arrival to Tashkent. We just wanted to check out our booking a day before their arrival, and surprise rooms we booked were not available because of some technical problems. Although, we asked them to solve the issue positively, they offered an option for the extra price. We had no other ways left but to contact booking, and clarify the situation. Booking staff reacted imminently, and solved our problem.
2. Our guests arrived, and settled to their rooms. Time for payment came and I wanted to pay in cash USD (old version). They said that they could not accept it only because it is an old version, and they will not be able to convert it at the bank (which I exchanged my local money to that USD money earlier on that day). I was an upset. But they did not receive, and I had to find UZS and pay on it.
3. As we solved our problems by approaching to booking staff, who later fined them for that, the hotel owner did not let our guests to leave their luggage at the hotel on the checkout for sometime. They just wanted to see Tashkent by the time of their flight.
So, be careful)
I have been there for 2 nights during my work trip to Karshi. Rooms are clean and Cousy. Staff were really helpful. Located in a central location.
On one thing I would like to ask the staff to pay attention, during the winter time room temperature is really hot, we could not modify it.
Overall, good place for the price, recommended!