Изучение английского языка с нами - это
🐳Аудирование (понимание речи на слух)
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February 23, 04:51
Международные встречи (английский язык онлайн).
Самый главный навык в изучении английского языка-это умение общаться на нем.
✨Участвуя в ме...
February 16, 04:54
Разговорный клуб с носителем языка является прекрасным дополнением к основным занятиям английским языком, где все полученные знания можно пр...
February 9, 05:35
Английский язык для взрослых - занятия в мини-группе отлично подойдут для тех, кому нужно повысить разговорный уровень английского за коротк...
February 2, 04:15
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Updated: February 23
Английский для школьников (25 минут\онлайн)
Занятия в мини-группе подходят детям, которые учатся в одном классе, готовятся к сдаче школьного экзамена или ЦТ, так как такие ученики мотивированы на результат, и группу объединяет общая цель.
12.5 Br25 min
Английский для взрослых (онлайн)
Занятия в мини-группе отлично подойдут для тех, кому нужно повысить свой разговорный уровень английского за достаточно короткий период времени, преодолеть языковой барьер, отработать грамматику и лексику на практике.
22 Br50 min
Разговорный клуб с носителями английского языка (онлайн)
Бесплатный разговорный клуб с носителем языка является прекрасным дополнением к основным занятиям английским, где все полученные знания можно применить на практике. Регулярное посещение клуба поможет вам снять языковой барьер и улучшить самооценку.
I've been studying for six months with Zoya myself and my son has been studying for several years. Every year he takes 1-2 places in the city Olympiads in English!
The classes are very thoughtful, you can feel what a lot of work is being done during the preparation for classes! A lot of clarity is used. The child understands and is interested.
Six months ago, I also decided to start learning the language. And I can already see that my English level has improved significantly.
This is far from a dry and boring language learning. Zoya gives a lot more than you expect!
This is an opportunity to study and communicate with native speakers, teachers and students from other countries who are also learning English.
I express my sincere gratitude and recommend it!
I have never seen a better approach to my business!
A great opportunity to learn English without leaving home. After evaluating the current level of language proficiency, I was selected the most convenient class time. The program is built conveniently, there is a lot of conversational practice, including with representatives of different countries and even continents (!), which allows you to learn to understand English by ear.
I would like to note that I (35+) prefer classes in a Russian-speaking environment, and a 10-year-old child rushes to a lesson with a native English speaker as if on holiday!
I sincerely recommend it.
Dear Zoya Nikolaevna, do not listen to anyone, you are a wonderful teacher who is loved by children.Thanks to you, English lessons have become the most favorite among our children.With what pride they bring us to show their diaries from 10 to English.And all thanks to our Zoya Nikolaevna.I can't stop being surprised by people: they skip classes, don't do their homework, and even don't pay on time, but they want results, blaming the teacher for everything.
There are so many contradictions in one text.They accuse the teacher of greed and immediately write that she refused to take payment, with which they "spun and forgot" But Found time for a negative review.
If the classes are not productive and not interesting, so
why are you and the child so upset, they would have left long ago.And to see a human face in a teacher, you must first see it in your mirror.