PERFECT FIT™ Junior cодержит всё самое необходимое для здорового роста котёнка: важнейшие микро- и макро-элементы, такие, как кальций и фосфор, для укрепления костей, жирные кислоты класса Омега-3 для развития мозга и остроты зрения.
10.4 Br
Little One Лакомство "Витамин С" 180 гр.
Морские свинки, шиншиллы и другие домашние любимцы испытывают особую потребность в витамине С. Свинки не могут самостоятельно синтезировать витамин С, поэтому для них очень важно получать достаточноеколичество из пищи. “Витамин C” от Little One - ...
Tactless, apparently, not satisfied with her work, an employee..
we came to see and buy a house for a cat. Firstly, she did not say hello when I said "hello", the consultant in the store was standing and talking on the phone, no attention was paid to visitors. Secondly, not once in all the time did she come up and offer help in choosing. Thirdly, when we had already decided on the choice, the consultant said in an inadequate form, "woman, are you buying or not, I have a re-account"... I believe that such individuals who do not like people and their work should sit in a fenced-off space and not spoil the mood of others.. you need to do your job, since you work there, and not act like a boor
It's closed all the time!I haven't been able to get in for a month.
Then the acceptance of the goods is closed for no reason.
Sometimes you come three times a day , it 's closed .
A good network, we take food for our cats there, I came just yesterday, so our food that we usually took was raised from 11 rubles per kilogram to 16 rubles, well, so-so of course…