I would like to express my gratitude to the Housing Balance. After just a year, I got an apartment and I finally don't need a rental apartment. The office has very pleasant and responsive staff who are ready to help in any situation and answer any questions.
Hello! I hasten to share my experience and impressions about buying my own home through the Housing Balance PC. At the initial stage, of course, they were very worried, as before any unknown and new.But everything went at the highest level. I would like to immediately note the high professionalism of the entire team, sensitivity and interest in achieving a positive result as soon as possible.At each stage, there was support and competent opinion in the person of Anastasia and Olga.And so, in just a year we fulfilled our long-held dream and became the happy owners of a 3-room apartment! Anyone who doubts, we recommend that you join the Housing Balance PC without fear and doubt and your dream will come true!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Housing Balance for the opportunity to purchase my own home in such a short period of time. And also many thanks to Anastasia and Olga for the work they have done.To all those who are still members of the cooperative, a little patience and your dream will come true.
We express our deep gratitude to the Housing Balance in the purchase of housing, as well as to the employees of the Housing Balance Olga and Anastasia for their clear operational work in preparing documents and organizing the transaction. Thank you very much🤗
I would like to express my gratitude to the Housing Balance for the opportunity to purchase housing. Many thanks to the specialists for their feedback and responsiveness, thanks to their professionalism there is no doubt to join the cooperative.
Special thanks to specialist Olga for her fast and accurate work, as well as for her ability to work with people.
An excellent team of employees, friendly attitude to customers, the most profitable way to purchase housing. Thanks to the Housing balance, I bought an apartment for my family.
I would like to express my gratitude to Anastasia and Olga, as well as to the entire Housing Balance for their responsible attitude to work.All issues from joining the cooperative to handing over the keys were resolved promptly and efficiently.
Thank you very much!
I am a member of the cooperative. Today, the Housing Balance Sheet has purchased an apartment for me in Polotsk. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Anastasia's specialist for the precise preparation and execution of the transaction! Wish the cooperative growth and development!!!
Хочу выразить благодарность Жилищному балансу за такую возможность так быстро в короткие сроки купить квартиру, без всяких справок и поручителей.Особенно благодарим работников Анастасию и Олю за их хорошую работу.Наша семья очень довольна результатом.
С помощью Жиличного баланса, за 14 месяцев удалось купить собственную квартиру и наконец-то сьехать со сьемного жилья. Условия намного проще и лучше, чем в банках. В офисе работают грамотные и вежливые специалисты, готовые ответить на все вопросы. Рекомендую всем
Хотим выразить огромную благодарность ПК Жилищный баланс за предоставленную возможность в кратчайший срок приобрести собственное жилье. И конечно же отдельную благодарность сотрудникам за оказанную помощь во всех организационных вопросах.