I would like to express my deep gratitude to Igor Gavrilovich Rulkevich, a plumber, for conscientious and high-quality repair work, as well as a polite and tactful attitude towards residents. I wish you all the best in your life, as many grateful tenants as possible and favorable attention from your superiors. I would like their work to be appreciated not only gratefully, but also with a premium.
A typical municipal institution, where (like the movie The Last Hero) they take your time. Passports - agony!! One doesn't know what to do, the second says the wrong information, the third is outraged that people are outraged.
As a result, to write any application, you will need to ask 4 times and rewrite the application three times.
At 8:30, the whole house was woken up, if not the yard. The guys use a blower (not a vacuum cleaner) to sweep the leaves from the entrance, even from the walls of the house through the house parking lot to the lawn. Now they are chasing foliage around the lawn. The noise is good. Little children are happy. And everyone else, too. They are still being collected (12:30) and there is no end in sight, because the wind has its own plans for everything.