It's a terribly inconvenient station. To carry the bags across this large bridge, the elderly parents paid the man. They just wouldn't have been able to do it themselves. They write correctly that it is necessary to make a ground crossing. The ads are hard to hear. If you are on the platform, then do not run to the ticket office to find out the details of the journey if a freight train passes by during the announcement. And the trucks are still running, the constant clatter of the wagons drowns out everything.The platform is very low. When they did the reconstruction, couldn't they raise the height? When the stop is 3 minutes, and you are still running to the car with bags at the ready in a crowd of other passengers, and there you have to climb into the car with them - that's another test. International trains arrive on the platform, and the conditions are like in a remote village.
There is a lot of space, few people. You can eat, there are many taxis, the toilet is clean and free. But the bridge is very high, and most trains come on long-distance routes. It is very difficult for elderly people with things....
He's become more beautiful now. A railway canteen has opened inside the station. Prices don't bite.
One of the disadvantages is a small waiting room. The station is a checkpoint.
There is an ATM.
There is parking near the station, and taxis are always available.There is a coffee machine inside the station, there is a Belarusbank ATM, a toilet (although I did not go inside).
Clean, comfortable, cozy. But there is not enough police to take homeless people and drunks out into the street. And it's too bad that there is nothing nearby from the big centers, there is nowhere to walk.
Baranovichi Central is a self-sufficient railway station with its own historical architecture. A monolith in marble! It does not look like the same type of modern train stations . Only the facade does not shine like the interior. And the roof should be covered with a red roof .
The most inconvenient vacancy! There is no direct access to Peron, you have to crawl across the bridge, which is also not as convenient as possible due to the lack of a ramp. Those who came up with this, please take 2 suitcases with a total weight of about 40 kg, two small children and a stroller and try to move to Peron yourself! Thanks to the people who help in such situations!