A clean , tidy railway station . The room itself is not very large , but it is warm in winter, there are places to sit, there are no kiosks and coffee machines .
The station is cozy, the seats are conveniently located.There is a small canopy above the entrance door.
You can take shelter from the rain.
The entrance doors are made with transparent glass.
An overview of the forecourt is clearly visible.
Everything is clean and well maintained.
There is no buffet, no pharmacy, no TV, no modern communication. The seats are not comfortable. We must add another carriage! On the night train. And when will someone competent make the way from Postav to Vitebsk in 2 hours? If we don't have smart people, let's invite China and Japan... They will quickly solve this problem and it will not be necessary to travel the whole night to Vitebsk, and the wagons already require revision. There should be a hotel at the station, at least for 30 people