There is a train station, it's already good. But this is a legacy of the past, there is no platform level with the entrance to the carriage. Moreover, there is also a short one, 10 wagons with lengths of modern trains up to 30 wagons. There is no sound alert, there are no benches and canopies on the "platform" from rain and sun. It is necessary to wade through waist-high grass to the first cars, and it is not realistic to climb into the car from the ground at all. The bridge over the railway track will soon fall apart, there is no access road, there is some kind of track in the field, there is no parking.
Неудобно расположен: либо по более менее нормальной дороге подъезжать и потом идти по мосту, либо по убитой грунтовке ехать до вокзала. Само здание уставшее, территория вокруг запущена. Подъехал поезд не к перрону, а просто на путях встал - подножка была на высоте метр с лишним, я высокий и то еле забрался