Изготовление обивок сидений автомобилей, автобусов, из обивочных материалов собственного произво дства, а также с применением искусственной кожи и любых других материалов по желанию Заказчика.
1 Br
Автомобильные ткани
Автомобильные ткани
1 Br
Пошив мебельных чехлов по Вашим чертежам, лекалам
Пошив мебельных чехлов по Вашим чертежам, лекалам из любых обивочных материалов, в том числе из искусственной кожи различных расцветок, а также из давальческих материалов
I called to clarify the availability and price, confirmed the availability and price, came to buy - and they tell me: "This item is on order, today for tomorrow." And they were motivated by the small area of the store. They refused my offers to pick up the goods I needed from the warehouse myself, but promised to clarify with the higher management about the possibility of delivery for today. As a result, I had to wait for feedback for half a day, but no one called back.
I can't say anything in particular. I once bought foam rubber there. There are different types of foam rubber. But the material that I bought turned out to be toxic, it was painted and the paint just slipped off and they didn't warn me about it. Therefore, 4 ka for withholding information about the quality of the material. They wanted it themselves, I can take a picture of which package.