A good place to walk with a child. A playground with swings and slides, a kind of living area (ducks, swans, etc.)
Upsets people who visit this place, bringing with them various hot drinks, while leaving behind mountains of garbage, broken benches, turned-out urns, trampled deck chairs. It is sad that the people do not appreciate what has been done for THEM.
It is pleasant that we have improved the place for spending time with children. I really like everything that has been done for large families right near the house. I bow low to all those who participated in the beautification of the territory of the reservoir.
It's a good idea. The execution is lame... the sand on the platforms has spread, the bridge on the pontoons has floated away. The ground under the horizontal bars was trampled to the pits. It's sad and ridiculous, especially compared to the turnstiles on the Winners, also not far from the ring road. There is also a floor covering on the playgrounds and a fence for the basketball court. Why the Administration of the Zavodsky district did not adopt the experience remains to be guessed…