Теплый салат из сочного мяса цыпленка, с хрустящим миксом-салата, заправленного освежающим цитрусовым соусом
610 с331 g
Фирменный гарнир Zerno
Гарнир на основе ризотто из пшеницы и с фирменным муссом из пармезана
240 с170 g
Куриный суп-лапша с перепе лиными яйцами
Наваристый куриный бульон с домашней лапшой и перепелиными яйцами
300 с213 g
Уха из трех видов рыбы
Наваристый суп из трех видов рыбы с добавлением фермерских овощей и зелени
470 с370 g
Пиццетта с пастрами из говядины и соусом барбекю
Фирменная пиццетта из свежего теста собственного приготовления с нашим пастрами из говядины, с добавлением соуса на основе томатов, маринованного лука, печенного перца, халапеньо и соуса барбекю
450 с378 g
Феттуччине с тушеной говядиной, грибами и пастрами
Фирменная паста фреска с нежной тушенной говядиной. Подается с грибным соусом, сыром пармезан и пастрами из нашей коптильни
670 с384 g
Большая рубленная котлета из говядины с гречотто
Рубленная котлета, запече нная в испанской печи хоспер. Подается с ризотто из гречки, грибами и с фирменным пикантным мясным соусом демиглас
950 с579 g
Фаршированное бедро цыпленка с грибами
Филе бедра цыпленка фаршируется двумя видами грибов (шампиньоны, вешенки). Подается с маринованным сегментом тыквы и тыквенным пюре, грибным соусом
780 с311 g
Паштет из индейки на тартине
Готовится на основе нежной индейки на сливочном масле и обжаренных овощей. Морковь, лук, чеснок
450 с260 g
Десерт Павлова
Изысканное и нежное лакомство, которое отлично подойдет для чаепития или десерта после ужина
We go into the grain occasionally, we almost always see new waiters, the service is lame but tolerable, I recently went in with my daughter and made an order, (I want to note that after ordering, the waiter clarified with a dissatisfied voice, and that's it?? Although people take a cup of coffee in the hall and sit for more than an hour! I ordered a drink, dessert and a second course), we eat and the child asked to walk around (she is not even 2 years old) calmly played, walked around without touching anyone, I watched her so that she did not approach anyone, customers are sitting,smiling, and then the waitress comes up and says:if something happens, we are not responsible, I tell her that I am watching her and it is clear, then she puts forward that she is interfering with other clients, I ask what? The waitress started talking nonsense that we made a mess, although it was clean, I asked to show where it was dirty after us? Then he says, accusing me, I ask to call the admin, a guy comes (introduced himself as a senior manager, although then the admin said that he was a supervisor), says that you can't make noise in a coffee shop, it's a coffee shop!I ask them to provide me with the rules where it is prescribed (I will say right away that my daughter did not scream, she just walked near our table) and since they have it like this, they should hang signs that you can not with children! Should I forbid her to go now? After I ask him to invite me, he says with a grin (to me that you should call the CEO here) and leaves without providing their rules of conduct, a real admin came and answered incomprehensibly that they would train the staff, she apologized but this did not change the situation.I am still shocked that I was run over by the staff of such an institution.
I want to draw your attention to the fact that there are excellent coffee shops nearby,ANT'S,PASTA where the service is head and shoulders higher,cozy,there is a playroom and we have been going there with a child since birth and have never encountered such a thing.
Zerno, you should train your staff before allowing them to work, and if you have such rules, specify them at the entrance!
We had dinner here
Amazing service, they will tell you in detail about any food
Live music
Very tasty bread and various spreads
Beautiful interior
The trick of the restaurant is that they have their own meat
The place is atmospheric. Breakfasts for every taste. The interior is stylish. Clear. The service is at the highest level! There is a shop with local delicacies and pastries. I recommend it)