I didn't find any advantages, but the disadvantages:the first is a lot of workers, and a queue is created, i.e. they can stand, talk to each other about something of their own, and one person serves them, and then they praise themselves that they have the lowest prices, the second is that one says that there is such and such a medicine, and the other that there is not, they are injected into misleading customers, and at the same time arguing with each other. In general, a farce. I'd better go to another pharmacy.A terrible pharmacy. They sell cheap analogues of medicines, and refuse to return the money
They cannot provide an analogue, they say -consult a doctor, no, this is of course correct, but there are urgent conditions and it is not possible to look for a doctor at 2 am, so analogues would advise, but they do not advise themselves, they are afraid to take responsibility, for example, they asked for an analog of Amod 10 with high blood pressure, only he helped, but the analogue was not given or advised, but so polite pharmacists) but fearful)) and indecisive)
This is a very convenient pharmacy chain. It's cheap, and this is very important now. And everything is always there, it works around the clock. Polite, correct service.