The fact that I'm in shock is an understatement. The story is this: you need to update the car, remove errors. Almaty was advised, the nearest city is Kostanay. I call the specified numbers, the guy picks up the phone, I try to explain the situation to him, I say that I am from Russia, he begins to tell me the amount, I understand that something is wrong here, that it is too expensive. He immediately says, change the gasket between the steering wheel and the seat, and just starts laughing out loud into my phone. And throws the phone.
Here I think, well, maybe I made a mistake, I check the phone, everything is correct. In my 38 years, this is the first time I have met such an attitude from an official dealer, such cheeky impudence!!! Naturally, I called Almaty, they were shocked!!! In general, the management of this center take measures to their employees in the service center!!
Otherwise you will never have customers!!! On my own, I will tell no one to contact this office. There is clear racism here.