МОТШ ДОСАФ заводского района приглашаем на 18 занятий на подготовку к сдаче экзамена в ГАИ на категорию А. ЗВОНИТЕ: (029) 645-21-74
350 Br
Курсы вождения категории Б в Минске
Приглашаем на курсы вождения всех желающих. Удобное время проведения занятий по теории и практике вождения. Высокий рейтинг ГАИ города Минск. 99% сдача экзамена в ГАИ. Лучшие традиции ДОСААФ.
1100 Br
Мотошкола, категория А
Приглашаем в автошколу заводского района на обучение вождению мотоцикла и получению прав категории А. ЗВОНИТЕ: (029) 645-21-74
Impressions can vary depending on your luck. I'll start with a good one: the theory teacher Korpun A.K. is a great professional. He tells a fascinating and lucid story, he has a life story for almost every point of the rules. The driving teacher (in DOSAAF, for some reason they are called masters) Shchepuk I.A. is no less a wonderful woman. Calmly and patiently he will help you to saddle the horses under the hood of his Logan. It was largely thanks to her that I was able to pass everything the first time. Getting to her turned out to be a big problem and here we turn to the bad. At first, Levchuk I.I. was listed as my teacher, with whom I rolled back most of my hours. Well, as I rolled it back, I rather wrote it down. In the card, you have 2 academic hours allocated for each lesson, but in practice, God forbid, you will drive for 40-50 minutes, if not 30 at all. In the agreement with DOSAAF, it will be cunningly noted that the lesson includes only 30 kilometers. Paying extra for fuel (as in other driving schools) will not work here, because it is much more profitable for the instructor to go home quickly, and then ride you for money. But the troubles do not end there: comrade Levchuk, he did not really want to set classes, and then he also went on vacation. The idea was to heat me up for the remaining hours (as it turned out later, this is exactly what happened to the guy from my group). The last straw was that once he did not come to the appointed lesson at all under the pretext that he was ill. I know of only one disease that prevents me from writing a message in Viber to cancel driving – zabuhal. I had to go to the playground at 8 a.m. to stand there for 20 minutes in the rain and go home. After that, I had a conversation with the director Kapitonov N.V. I was convinced the hard way of the truthfulness of the rest of the reviews. In his office, you have to listen to him that you are some kind of wrong person if you can't come to an agreement with the instructor. By agree, it probably means to take the instructor's absenteeism and sign for classes that did not take place. Nevertheless, after four (!!!) after visiting his office, the problem was solved and I rolled back my watch. Thank you for at least that, but it seems to me that such questions should not arise at all. In addition to the human factor, I can add that the classrooms are quite dirty, the toilets have a hole in the floor and cold water. No paper or soap was found there during the 4 months of training. Of course, this is not a matter of principle, but it is critically important for someone. To sum up: if you come across a good instructor, you will not have to communicate with the director and the impressions will be positive.
P.S. The teacher of medicine loves to retell nonsense from the TV instead of, in fact, materials on medicine. But it's pretty funny, so his classes are worth a visit)
I did not regret that I chose this driving school. When choosing, I was guided firstly by the fact that this is DOSAAF, and, of course, by the proximity to home.
I would like to mention Vladimir Vladimirovich Guzov, a theory teacher, who is a very professional teacher! He explains it very clearly - he passed all the tests and sections the first time. He will answer any incomprehensible question in such a way that everything becomes clear immediately. I recommend it to everyone!
I also want to mention Oleg Arkadyevich Prokopovich's driving teacher - he explains clearly, evaluates fairly and will support if something does not work out.
Yes, the auditorium and the toilet were not in the best condition, but I came for knowledge, not to evaluate the premises...
I've been waiting a long time to write a review! I chose the driving school according to the criteria - 1. DOSAAF, 2. not far from home. The choice fell on MOTSH DOSAAF. the review is absolutely honest, I passed the traffic police today, so I want to say that I did not regret my choice for a second. The theory was led by I. Grishkevich - everything is to the point, with humor, with life situations! a very pleasant person and a teacher, I went to theory classes with joy (I passed the theory the first time). we were hired to drive after 1-2 weeks already, we immediately signed up for the first instructor and what a good decision it was! Kovalevsky V. is the most patient, sensitive, polite and the best instructor! If it wasn't for his efforts, I wouldn't have succeeded! immeasurable gratitude for all the way from the first lesson to the delivery!
The director of the driving school (it seems to be already ex) - Kapitonov Nikolai - is very pleasant and polite, I have never seen anything bad, as they write in the reviews here. He always communicated very tactfully and with a smile.
in general, there are only pleasant emotions from the driving school, a big thank you to all the people involved!