A great place to visit. you can also enlighten yourself by visiting museums and relaxing, taking a dip in the pool, the entrance price is of course high, but it's worth it if you love historical sites, history and excavations.
The most convenient parking if you decide to visit Pamukale. You will immediately drive to the top of the mountain and will be able to visit all the sights without climbing to the top. Parking is 50 liras, with no time limit.
At the top, only lira is accepted, although all prices are in euros. Be sure to change the money in advance!
A miracle of nature, slightly ennobled by people, there is a locker room, storage rooms for things, cafes, souvenir shops, Cleopatra's pool itself is warm, there is shallow water and a deep zone, white mountains with natural pools are fascinating, but it is dangerous to walk, it is better in coral tanks
A wonderful historical complex, many things have been well preserved to our times, but in no case do you need to go here in the summer!!! This is a "floating hell"!!! After 20 minutes of walking, you hate yourself for deciding to go, the whole complex!