Что умеет подсветка:
- Автоматически отрегулирует яркость
- Перейдет в режим день/ночь для экономии энергии
- Осветит ступени перед вами, точно под ваш темп ходьбы
- Перейдет в режим день/ночь
285000 ₸
RGB контроллер
- Регулирует скорость включения ступеней под ваш темп ходьбы;
- Автоматически настраивает яркость;
- Дежурная подсветка первой и последней ступени в темноте;
- Позволяет создавать более 16 миллионов различных цветовых комбинаций
Payment method:prepayment, cash, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer, via sms, installment, cashless payment, online, QR code, Fast payment system
Guys, thanks for the work! In Almaty, the most affordable price turned out to be for a set. We are just happy, especially the children have a lot of fun. We installed everything on time
I want to express my gratitude to the team! the lighting is generally super, they quickly picked up an option for me, mounted it. Everything is clear, clean and fast
I recently finished the rough finishing of the stairs in my house. My wife wanted the stairs to glow in the dark. I found a company called Usens, the guys consulted competently, and offered different options. I installed the backlight myself according to the instructions, now it's such a beauty at home!