Unix is an excellent store, a wide range, good service, I personally watched how the staff helps the elderly if they do not understand something, and most importantly, reasonable prices, 5 stars definitely
The service is at a very low level. The saleswomen of this store are unfriendly. Russian buyers are released much more politely than buyers of Kazakh nationality. Their attitude towards Kazakh children is simply dismissive. There are such shops in every yard and in every yard, respectively, children go into such expensive shops with a terrible assortment. Let the child buy one piece of gum, but he BUYS it, not begging. And NAZISM, among the saleswomen of Karina, is "written" on their faces. In a word, it seems that the owner does not care how, but only if the store works for him. Personally, I only go there for bread. Which, by the way, they also bake, and bake it when: both well and not at all. Maybe the saleswomen are tired and it's time to replace them?!
The store is good, the sellers are lazy, one cash register is always open, and most importantly, a good selection of beer and snacks for them is very good