Many thanks to the waiter Ksyusha! She supported and humored us all evening. Special thanks for KISH! The sorceress! Hookah man Gleb got drunk quickly, hookah made an average level twice. Sober or drunk. Music for 8/10. The food does not match the price, only the croutons left a great impression. The liquid asphalt has done its job. Thanks to the bartenders!
We had a great time with the company! DJ - 5! Hookah to Gleb - 5+! Special thanks to the waitress Ksyusha - patience and positivity!!!! I didn't want to leave even at 3.00 am - we will definitely come back!!!!
Ilya the bartender, disgusting service, rude behavior, disgusting service
I used to love this place very much, they came when Gleb was on shift, just a golden man, pleasant communication and high-quality service. I always wanted to come to him, the evening played with new colors!
But today we ran into Ilya and our mood was ruined for the rest of the evening.
We ordered an assortment of vegetables , it was brought without olives and olives , although they are stated in the menu .
The place has gone downhill! We were very upset !