Again I was faced with rudeness by employees of Europochta, only this time in this department. If you are interested, you can read my review of the department located at October Avenue 2B. It was necessary to send a parcel, I made an application, paid on the partner site, the money was withdrawn, and bam, they say that you need to say the departure number of a different format, which to get from where? From underground? As a result, I took my shipment, I will write to support about the tracking number, and I will go to another post office, maybe I will be lucky. It's the second time with this employee of the problem, but the first time she took the departure, and now she pretended that it wasn't her. In general, I do not advise you to contact a black girl with eyelashes and a dissatisfied face! Very much spoiled the mood.. If this address is still convenient, then I advise you to contact the other two working there, they are very understanding, always help and there have never been any problems with sending 🩵
Приехал отправлять крупную посылку, так как адрес был указан на сайте для этого отделения. Вот как раз таки крупные посылки они и не принимают. Причём работник говорит да я знаю что мы на сайте указаны как отделение принимающее крупные посылки, но мы их не принимаем, у нас даже нету больших напольных весов.
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