I live next to this store, so we go there almost daily.What can I say: you can always buy a minimum set, but that's all.There is an eternal staff turnover in the store, it is not very clean, the assortment is:(((( , but alcohol in excess ;(((
In short, an ordinary neighborhood store with a minimal assortment
"This is the Southwest, baby ;)))"
We were here today!This is a nightmare!05/12.24 check 16:50!in the meat department, the seller is busy chatting with a relative, seeing that we are standing and waiting with a dissatisfied look, she served, and even the chicken is rotten, they found it at home!we were not taken back from fatigue, next time I will write where I should, this is not the first time we have encountered a rotten man in this store!dear management, please explain what kind of tray in the sausage department is on the refrigerator at a markdown?Do you know about the rules for storing sausages?The organization will explain to you next time in the form of sanctions!at the same time, the cashier Lobacheva T.S. is a pleasant employee, thanks at least for this!