The store is good, the product range is large. There is a flower department where you can make a bouquet, or buy a potted plant. I really like the cosmetics department - a large selection, and not only of Belarusian
However, once I came across rotten meat in the meat department, the meat frankly stank, and the seller specially put it in two bags)
In the same building there is a European post office, a pharmacy (by the way, the choice of pharmacy cosmetics here is cool). There is a Kari store on the second floor.
I liked the Belarusian chain of Euroopt stores. The name is just not very sonorous for a grocery supermarket, but everything is fine. Hyper has a cafe, cooking, baking, pizza baking. You can buy coffee in the coffee machine.
Get ready for the fact that even on a normal day you just stand in line for at least half an hour, the people are always just creepy, 100,500 cash registers, of which only two are always open, there is a self-service cash register, and if your card does not pass, then this is your problem.