It's some kind of wild horror, a huge store, a hypermarket, 5 ramps!!! And only one ramp and one loader are working, so no one is moving, I don't see any movers in this store at all, they unload everything by themselves. I stood in only one queue for 3 hours, and then I stood on the ramp, waiting for the driver for half an hour. I have 20 points, I passed one point for 3 and a half hours, the question for mathematicians is, when will I return home from work, if I take 3 and a half hours for each store?
I am not happy with the work of the staff, either the bosses save money on staff and they simply do not exist, or these staff hide and do not want to work.
And this is not the first time, this has been going on for a long period of time.
Disgusting store, one star!!!
The food in the food court area is disgusting, the cutlets feel like they are made from rotten products, and I'm generally silent about the "pick it yourself" salad - spoiled mayonnaise sauce and feta, curled tomatoes, cucumbers, and olives with an incomprehensible taste caused an involuntary gag reflex. I didn't pay attention at first, but then I realized why people on the food court were buying a lot of pizza and coffee. Wasted money! I ask the administration of the retail chain to pay attention to this, my review is not an isolated one, if it is ignored, an extraordinary inspection of the substation at this facility has been carried out!