Situation: I received the contract and the invoice for the goods, paid for the goods. the driver arrives with a power of attorney and an invoice to receive - "we will not let you go, you did not bring the contract." I'm calling the head of the sales department. I inform you that the scan of the signed contract is in their mail - "no, we will not let you go without a paper contract." They are forced to go to them a second time. But this is also time and money. I remind you that the contract signed by them specifies the deadline for the exchange of original documents (15 days). - "no, we will not ship without a paper contract" BRAVO! They stand their ground very stubbornly! Will I contact you here again? Unlikely. Will I recommend them to someone --- also not. result: THE MANAGER WAS REINSURED from the fine for the documents, THE COMPANY LOST a loyal customer.
It's just trash. You can't get anything out of anyone... Everyone is busy, it's not clear what... I'm calling to check the availability of the product. Yes, there is. I'm eating. By the way, it's not a close light for me)) I'm coming. And they have a re-accounting for this position.. Was it possible to tell this on the phone??? Come back on Monday. Ok. I'm calling you on Monday. Is there? Are you selling? - yes. come. I'm going again. Oops, but the recalculation did not end)) what are the other options, I ask.. We can't help you with anything... They didn't even apologize...