Ugly parents who bring their children to the garden-they decently leave cars in the yard, which creates daily problems for residents of nearby houses, endless traffic jams (morning, evening) and dirty cars
The best kindergarten! My children, my family's children, all went through this kindergarten. I love educators, the speech therapist is gorgeous! The salt room has been launched ! Everyone has been working there for years. The atmosphere is wonderful!
No one went to this kindergarten, but I grew up looking at it. The kindergarten has changed over the past 10 years, a high and ugly fence has been built. Previously, the fence was better, in a lattice, through which the view of nature did not spoil, looking around. Now Almaty is looking more and more like Europe, but unfortunately, because of such fences and similar decisions, we still have a long way to Europe.
And the second point, in the morning the children make a lot of noise, do not let them sleep when the windows are open. And they are open almost all year round.
And so, in general, this place is associated with childhood, it was cool to walk with friends and play hide-and-seek on the territory of the kindergarten, as there are a lot of greenery, shrubs and gazebos.
And so firm 4 )