The preschool education institution is located inside the residential district of YUZMR-2. It is separated from Secondary school No. 11 by a pedestrian alley, forming a local educational cluster. The kindergarten was built in 2018 in accordance with modern requirements. The bright exterior and attractive interior create a favorable impression based on the principle of "I want to return to childhood."
The garden is nice, beautiful, well maintained. There are beautiful decorations on the ground floor for every holiday.The child likes the food) But in our group, three teachers have changed in 3 years!
The garden is spacious, bright, functionally filled with all necessary equipment. A friendly team of educators and management. Tactfully polite attitude towards children. I've never even accidentally heard screams at children. My children have not visited this garden, but as seen from the outside, it is a positive place. And I think this is largely due to competent management, which maintains a comfortable psychological climate in the team.