A wonderful kindergarten! The most important thing is caring and highly qualified part-time workers who are attentive to every child. Excellent food and organization of classes, neat territory and excellent organization of children's time.
Additional classes, creative activities and interest in each child.
Many thanks to the administration of the garden!
A wonderful kindergarten, we, as parents, are very happy. The child walks with pleasure. The caregiver and staff are wonderful. They treat children with a soul like their own! This is important because this age of children is very important for social life now and in the future. I would like to note that the pleasant well-groomed territory and the kindergarten itself are new, cozy, it is always a pleasure to enter it. Overall, we are very satisfied.😇
The kindergarten is at a height, competent staff, repairs have been made both inside and outside, well-groomed flower beds. I drove my child with pleasure