The garden is not new, but the interior and exterior are exposed, tiles were recently laid on the ground floor (old linoleum was replaced) beauty, somewhere something was painted to be pleasant to the eyes and convenience for visitors.
The kindergarten staff is responsive and pleasant
Admiring the deep program of preschool education in d / o institutions, having received the coveted direction, parents arrive with their child at d / c 558 in order to completely immerse themselves in it and dissolve. The program impresses with its monumentality, covers all aspects of the child's mental and physical development. It provides for play activities under the strict guidance of educators, familiarization with the arts, literature, and music. Vigilantly sets the temperature of the air in the room, during sleep, hardening, even walking barefoot on the grass in good weather is prescribed. In fact, this is a colony for kids with supervisors, with a key message: "the main thing is not to get killed, not to run away from the garden, and then at least the grass does not grow. Children, as expected, should mainly sit: on a high chair, on a bench, on a rug, in a sandbox, on the grass, walk in formation or in a clearly marked area for walking. Running and jumping are allowed only 2 times a week in physical education. They are fighting so hard for a safe environment on the street that it remains to put up a sign: "do not walk on lawns" and finally demolish all the stairs and slides on which you can not climb and ride! Then why are they standing there? To test the child's psyche of a child who normally wants to climb and ride, and not sit on a blanket like pensioners in a boarding house? How do children all over the world play in kindergartens and schools on playgrounds? Climbing, running, spinning is not a whim, but a child's physiological need for daily vestibular exercise. Instead of a playground, the territory of the executive committee with benches and flower beds. Over the past couple of years, educators have been noticed on benches, in flower beds for weeding, but they have not been noticed in outdoor outdoor games. Sandboxes will probably be banned soon too, one meter for the whole group, children jostle, sprinkle with sand, it's dangerous. There remains a bench, hanging on the fence, looking out for mom, playing in winter with a hoop, with the one that is usually twisted at the waist. But even such a walk in the colony is a holiday, a breath of fresh air and daylight, because 2 times a day, except in summer, no one walks and no one observes the time. It's good if they blow out at all, otherwise it's windy, wet, slippery, so it's better in a group where it's not 22 degrees, but a Finnish sauna in summer and winter, it's very stuffy, besides children with an eternally "residual" cough, runny nose, so children are constantly sick, terribly, at the same time on the floor groups, this is perceived as the norm, with a bang, fewer children, fewer beds to make. For some reason, parents are taught artistic and visual activities, not children: "make a fake, make it, bring it, and we will put and decorate our stand with a beautiful one, while the same molded tomatoes have been gathering dust on the shelf of children's creativity for a month. The adaptation of kids to this institution, of course, takes a long time. As noted by the educators, up to several months. Is a roaring baby the norm for months, is it an adaptation? No, this is not an adaptation, this is the ultimate humility. A person, like a dog, gets used to everything. When the teachers get tired of the roar, they give the children joy and turn on the cartoon, of course on the phone, there is nothing else, of course for the whole group, sitting in a circle and staring with their unformed vision into this magical soap dish. The bitterest thing in this situation is that the children are happy, they are glad of such a generous gesture from a teacher who is unable and unwilling to offer more. My message is a personal subjective vision of the situation, it does not aim to belittle the work of educators who work with children, and do not look at them, giving an assessment, but the understanding of the difficulties of adults ends. Children spend most of their little lives in the garden, they grow up there, essentially killing time, and this is a murdered childhood.
An example of what a strange government agency we have. Repairs were done and not completed: the playgrounds are squalid, asphalt at the entrance to the pits, the pool has not been launched since 96, all children's shells were removed from the playgrounds. In general, the garden is not bad.