Hello.I want to express my gratitude to the teachers of the 9th group.To Raisa Vasilyevna, Dina Gennadievna, Irina Alexandrovna, Olga Igorevna for the kind, family-like warm atmosphere in the group.The child is always happy to go to kindergarten.They work with children and develop them.Thank you for the warmth and comfort that surround our children while their parents are at work.The kindergarten is always warm, the food smells delicious)And what else is needed so that you can go to work with a calm soul and leave the most precious thing-our children.We saw a lot of teachers and several kindergartens, some of them went crying, so I can say for sure that our garden is very good, and the teachers are the best.I am very glad that my daughter got into this particular group and it was these educators who remained)!I hope that we will be with you for a long time)
A wonderful mental garden. All the staff, from the janitor to the kitchen staff, are very friendly, friendly, always smiling. Educators love children and try to make their stay in kindergarten as comfortable and interesting as possible. In the case of small emergencies, they always change the pants for the kids. It never happened that I came to pick up the child, and she was dirty or in wet tights.
Caregivers and nannies ♥️.
The head, Natalia Vladimirovna Minina, is a very professional and Kind person. He tries to make the kindergarten as good as possible. He always tries to explain everything and get into the position of each parent .
The kindergarten is not the most modern in terms of equipment and repairs. But there is such a homely atmosphere here that you just don't notice all the nuances. Very clean, neat, safe. Definitely, I recommend garden 112 in Minsk.
Not a bad, standard kindergarten. Clean, neat. The playground is well maintained. The staff is attentive and caring. Kids eat without whims. Only parking - almost no...