It's very inconvenient, very long, very crowded.The queue!!!There are two queues, one to find out how much the payment is, the other to go to the cashier, and there is one person there, but there are a lot of people.just a boardak. I didn't know that you can attach a has not been formed for cohabitation. Please clean up the mess. thank you!
You comrades don't know how to work at all! It was your fault that I went the wrong way with the child three times. I have never met such establishments in my life! And why is there only one operator? Why is there a three-hour queue? Before you go there, think a hundred times. Call first, although they won't tell you anything good here either (
So-so - an institution, an old building, a job like in the Soviet Union, but the staff resolves issues very quickly (at least mine). They start working closer to 10, although it is stated from 8.00. The queues are huge...
Horror, the queue is long, the work schedule is from 9 and everyone comes at 10. There is no Parking , there are signs along the road. In short , everything is very bad . Get better faster
9 dan majlis o’tkazish aholi bilan to’g’ridan to’g’ri ishlaydigan xodimlar bilan noto’g’ri deb o’ylayman. Jismoniy shaxslar murojati bilan faqatgina 1 kishi ishlar ekan, shunga odam to’la.
1 computer, 1 login/password, 100+ consumers. It's the same story every day. We need to hire more computer scientists and a PC and a login / password. I'm tired of them!
In order to ask your question, you are standing in a live queue, electronic numbers are not provided here. The queue is long. Then lunch. And all over again.
I came here to register my gas meter and was very pleasantly surprised by the efficiency, willingness to help and courtesy of the staff. Without any delay, they completed everything that was necessary, explained everything and showed everything. Everything turned out very quickly and easily. I haven't seen such service for a long time, even in private companies, let alone in public ones. Thank you very much!
In the next building (where the ticket office is) the operator is sitting. He's a good man, he helped me a lot. I wish I'd asked his name. Bro, thank you for your help.
They attributed readings ... to 503 cubes, although the inspector came and took pictures of the meter on the phone... we will go figure it out next week and by the way not only for me but also for my neighbors!!!
Departments working with clients are inconveniently located. Complaints from customers are accepted in one building, and technical adjustments are made elsewhere. The gas payment program seems to be at the testing stage only. We corrected the client's full name but couldn't fix the street. Although the adjustments were made quickly, without unnecessary inquiries and inquiries.
Like all state services, it makes you suffer and suffer in queues and waiting))). But at the end, it allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment in paying off debts.
Operators are almost always distracted, people are standing in line, and operators, instead of serving customers, are distracted by phone calls, workers also distract operators, then they go about their business, then they come at someone's request, the operator stops working with the client, they start to get distracted, and it turns out the client is waiting all the time, this is a huge minus in their work....
How do cubes count there? What kind of metematics are working there. Especially on the ground floor, where calculations are done, there is a kapets woman near the water payment, she is harsh and rude, as if offended by life