Много лет назад глубоко под землей монах Аарон в своей келье пытался наладить связь с потусторонним миром. Проведя множество обрядов и спиритических сеансов, ему наконец-то удалось призвать трех сильнейших демонов в наш мир.
50 Br
Посещение квеста "1408: Отель с призраками"
Известный писатель Майк Энслин стал последней жертвой номера 1408. За время существования отеля в номере погибло 42 человека, и никто из них не сумел продержаться в нем больше часа. Чем же обернется ночь в отеле с призраками для Вас?
50 Br
Посещение детского квеста "В поисках сокровищ"
Кто не мечтал в детстве стать таким же отважным кладоискателем, как Индиана Джонс? У вашего ребенка есть такая возможность. Таинственная сокровищница ждет вас. Разгадай загадки, пройди лабиринт и отыщи спрятанное золото
30 Br
Посещение детского квеста "Дети шпионов"
Как стало известно накануне, гениальный учёный скрылся в неизвестном направлении. При нём не были обнаружены чертежи его суперсекретной машины, за которыми мы охотились уже много лет. Вам предстоит добыть чертежи, пока вас не опередили преступники!
Quest types:quests, performance, quests with actors, action games, with children, for beginners, difficult, cheerful, inexpensive, for teenagers, for large groups, for schoolchildren, for corporate events, historical, for adults, detective, dynamic, mystical, nonstandard, on films and games, middle ages, sport, adventures, horror
We were on the quest of the abode of demons. I really liked it, the entourage and musical accompaniment were kept in constant suspense. Separately, I would like to mention the acting of Ulyana and Ilya, who created the main entourage of the quest at the highest level (you are the best). The puzzles are not the most difficult, but you will have to think during a break from playing actors, and she always kept in good shape. Hints were given when necessary. It was a pleasure to visit such a lady's dog, and the whips did their job. We recommend this place and we will come again!
For the first time we decided to get acquainted with Pandora's Box on the Ford Boyard quest. We went to the extended version, in general it was a lot of fun.
Some tasks for our 100-point team were unattainable, and nevertheless, we managed to leave our name on the honor board)
Special thanks for the discussion to Deputy Passepartout - Anastasia.
We recommend the quest to visit, we look forward to discovering new quests!
Good evening! Our autumn holidays 2024-2025 with the guys began just in the Pandora's Box quest room. Based on the number of participants and on the advice of the sweetest administrator Anastasia, we chose Fort Boyard. The competition" and we did not lose!!! From the moment of organization to the moment of completion, everything was at the highest level. The guys received a charge of positive energy for all the holidays, showed ingenuity, endurance, courage and ability to work in a team. Each location was breathtaking more and more and the guys concluded that it was mega cool and even cooler than they had at graduation in 4th grade. Thank you very much for your help, support and understanding, and special thanks once again to Anastasia, a sweet, responsive and knowledgeable girl! Good luck to you, good and grateful participants! I am sure that we will come more than once!!!