Hello everyone my name is Anastasia. I am 38 years old.
Since childhood, I wanted to connect my life with a creative profession, and it seemed to me that design was the most suitable.
But back in 2002, my parents decided that they needed to get a serious profession, and not play with toys.
Therefore, I successfully completed my studies as an economist and went to work at the largest bank in our country.
At first, I worked very hard and I had neither the desire nor the strength to think about changing my profession.
But time flies fast and at some point I realized that I just couldn't do it anymore. I hated my job and myself so much for being in it. 😢
In 2017, I took my first design courses.
It was very hard to work and study, I didn't have time, I missed classes. As a result, I graduated anyway, but there was no feeling that I could look for a job as a designer. It seemed to me that I hadn't learned anything. There was no portfolio.
Then there was more training and more...
As a result, in 2020, after 13 years of work, I left the bank, but was able to get a job only as a content manager in a large company.
I was not hired as a designer and the feeling that I did not know anything did not leave me.
I edited the finished content and posted it on the company's website.
At some point, I thought that I could try myself as a web designer.
In 2021, a dikret happened and I decided to try to become a designer for the last time.
I didn't really think about which courses to choose, since I already heard about the workshop. A good friend of mine studied there and spoke very positively about his studies.
So in 2022, my training at Yandex Practicum began 🙏
Looking ahead, I will only say that I am writing this review with tears in my eyes while sitting at a new job. I'm finally a designer. 🍾🥂🎉🎈
So, the training lasted about 9 months and consisted of sprints (3 weeks to study the topic and complete the final work on it).
To be honest, by the time I started studying, I had already worked a little in Photoshop, figma and tilda. But there was such a "mess" in my head.
Web design training started from the very basics, so it is suitable for those who start from scratch. But if I studied from scratch, it would be much more difficult for me to combine a small child and study. And to be honest, I don't think I could combine my studies with my work. It would take much more time to study the material and complete homework.
Therefore, if you decide to learn a new profession from scratch, then you need to be sure that you have enough free time.
I spent about 3 hours studying every weekday (I specially sent the baby to the nursery for 3 hours so that nothing would distract), sometimes, if the topic is difficult, more. On weekends, my family didn't give me much opportunity to study, but sometimes I could still snatch 2 hours during my son's nap.
The first sprint was very easy for me and I even thought, why did I get involved in this?. But I decided to wait and not jump to conclusions.
The further I studied, the more difficult and interesting it became. After the third sprint, I realized that I didn't know some things, and by the fifth sprint it became difficult for me, there was a lot of new information for me, the tasks became more difficult at the end.
By the end of my studies, I finally felt more confident. Now everything that I once studied has fallen into place.
The presence of deadlines was very stimulating and I always handed over the work on time! A reviewer checked each work and gave feedback. If desired (I've always used it) You could send your work for general review and get additional feedback from your mentor and classmates, as well as view the work of other students.
So, the main advantages of learning:
👉 Information goes from simple to complex,
Each sprint has exercises to consolidate the material,
There are strict deadlines for studying the topic and completing homework,
👉 Feedback from designers on your work,
A mentor who always answered my questions, including on weekends (Sasha, thank you so much, I probably got you with my questions, but only thanks to your answers in video format, I was able to figure it out),
Complex topics are presented in the form of short videos for 5-7 minutes, for example, Photoshop was studied this way.
👉 Also, during the training, we had teamwork, we were divided into groups of 4 people and then we communicated ourselves and distributed who would take on which part of the work.
Of the disadvantages, I would probably only note that it really takes a lot of time to study and combine it with work, in my opinion it will be very difficult.
After graduating from the workshop, I had at least 3 works that I boldly added to my portfolio. I finally felt more confident.
So at the end of May 2024, the study ended. Then we were offered to go through a career track and look for a job. But I decided to take a little break from my studies and went on vacation in June. In July, I updated my resume to hh.ru and I went to 2 interviews and in August I already started working as a designer.
There have been many design courses in my life, but it was only after Yandex practicum that I was finally able to become a designer.
I am very grateful to the entire workshop team, to everyone who supported me, who answered my numerous and perhaps a little stupid questions.
I wholeheartedly recommend the workshop to anyone who wants to change their profession!
And there are more training plans for the future, and of course only in the Workshop!
I graduated from the graphic design course and I am delighted with the knowledge I have gained, how much I have learned new things. The teachers are professionals, they shared valuable experience and knowledge. I especially liked that I had the opportunity to gain knowledge and immediately put it into practice through exercises and projects. It gave me confidence in my knowledge.
The course was a great start for me.
Many thanks to the team. Special thanks to mentor Oksana! She helped immaculately in any matters.
I'm finishing the 1C Analyst course.
The course is designed for beginners, more or less experienced people have nothing to do there, only if they need a diploma, like me. Training prepares an employee for the French, but not for work within the company, which is generally logical, because it is easier for a beginner to find a job in the French.
One of the advantages is a good structure, the blocks are built logically, they allow you to gradually immerse yourself in the process. They provide access via fresh to the ERP.
Of the disadvantages, the course is new, so there are errors and typos in the text. I have to adjust my homework to the "standard", this solution is suitable for a beginner, but my eye twitched almost every homework.
In general, the course is not bad and is suitable for entering the profession.
Business Analyst course. A convenient learning format. An interesting, diverse presentation of the material. The DZ is aimed at a better understanding and consolidation of the material covered. Constant attention, support, positive feedback from the curators. Communication, exchange of experience in a chat with classmates! My son is studying algorithms at the Parkticum, we are choosing the right course for my daughter.... I recommend it to everyone - everyone will find something suitable for them.
Studied from June to August. The certificate was not given because the billing account was linked to another mail. They did not respond to all requests for support, they wrote that we were sorting it out. There is a lot of negativity left.
It's hard to find a more dishonest company
Paid courses were not provided
The money is not refunded
We are suing
By the way, we already have a collective complaint…